
Hi. I'm Davee.

Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in style, travel + all things MPLS. Mantra: I'm a firm believer that life is better all the way turnt up (keyword: turnt). Fair warning: I have a tendency to recite rap lyrics as a form of verbal communication (see last sentence for reference).

moms in mom jeans.

moms in mom jeans.

photos by Risa Klein

mom jeans: mother denim (i'm sure they purposefully made these for mamas!) similar here | quilted bomber: torysport | silk scarf: a souvenir from paris from the mama-in-law | bag: a+ @ target, similar here | furry loafers: romwe | sunnies: le specs, similar here (i can't remember what style mine are but the similar le specs i linked to are worn by no other than, ms. olivia palermo <3 <3)

Velvet + Denim

Velvet + Denim

