
Hi. I'm Davee.

Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in style, travel + all things MPLS. Mantra: I'm a firm believer that life is better all the way turnt up (keyword: turnt). Fair warning: I have a tendency to recite rap lyrics as a form of verbal communication (see last sentence for reference).

Beauty: That Soap Shop.

Beauty: That Soap Shop.

ok, i've been all about taking care of my skin lately (so much that my boyfriend is losing his patience for the millions of products i have stocked in the shower/bathroom to accommodate for this addiction). but of all the things i hoard, i have to give major praise to that soap shop's tea tree oil body scrub. tea tree oil has natural healing entities for just about every diagnosis (from acne to tooth aches) so imagine my delight when i found it in the form of a body scrub!!! ^%$%#* <---- my reaction.

anyway, as advised by the makers of that soap shop (my BFF hien + his partner chris), i also use the body scrub on my face. the results? the softest, most radiant skin i've ever had in my life. not to mention, it doesn't irritate or make my skin break out like most new products i try. literally #LIFECHANGING. you can shop their body scrub and other skincare products here (i also love their lotion bar in 'sparkling mojito'). PS. you know how i love all things locally made and these guys are no exception, so happy to add them to my list of favorite minneapolis makers #shoplocal 

oh, and you can view the full style post that includes this outfit/pic on styleblazer.

#TBT: Red Dress Collection.

#TBT: Red Dress Collection.

Closer to Fine.

Closer to Fine.